My English Learning Journey

I have been learning English since I was around 10 years old. Everything I was taught at school were tenses, verb conjugations, plural rules, complex grammar,… Every day my teacher required us to memorize new words by writing them down 10 times. Learning English was always a challenge for me. I got sick of vocabulary, of grammar rules, of English. And then one day, when I was probably in grade 10, my parents decided to buy me a computer. The computer has become my best friend ever since. I was amazed at how wonderful things were. The world has become a smaller place and people has become closer to each other. I could learn whatever I wanted without any help from others.

I began to listen to music, and watch TV shows. The first TV show that I watched was Hannah Montana. The TV show was just hilarious. I had picked up quite a lot of vocabulary from the show and it has become a memorable experience. It was also when I happened to fall in love with the language. I remember back then, I downloaded numerous English songs to my iPOD and listened to them everyday. I discovered many websites where people from all over the world exchanged languages and cultures with each other. I had made a lot of foreign friends there and sometimes we talked long hours about everything in life. In the first place, I thought the only reason why people learned English was to communicate with each other.  Not until did I immerse into the language that I realized the very language was the best way to create a strong bond between me and the endless knowledge of the world.

I could see a significant improvement in my English skills. And thanks to English, I have learned much more about the world around me. The journey towards language fluency is not always easy and I still have a long way to go. I don’t, however, give up on it. I enjoy the journey that I’ve been through rather than the destination ahead. If you don’t know where you are, if you’re not sure what to do next, just do whatever you love. If you are struggling with learning English, then let it be! Watch movies and laugh hard, read books and think thoroughly, play games and relax.

“Never let English limits limit your world!”

English Skills


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