When doing something is very easy, they often say “It is as easy as ABC”. That’s how easy the English alphabet is. So just relax and start learning the English alphabet right now!
The English Alphabet: Letters and pronunciation.
English is a Latin language and there are 26 letters in its alphabet. To know about the English alphabet and how to pronounce each letter correctly, please click the image below to listen to a song and sing along with us!

Introducing and Spelling your name
Have you ever asked an English foreigner’s name and do not know how to write it?
If you have, the best thing you should do is to ask them to spell their name. “Spelling name” means that you say each letter in your name instead of the full name. Of course, it will only be helpful if you know and remember the English alphabet.
Here is some instruction on how to ask a person to spell their name:
– “How do you spell your name?”
– “Can you spell your name, please?”
– “My name is John, J-O-H-N”
Now, let’s click the below image to watch a video on asking and spelling names:

If you want to watch more videos about learning English (it’s truly a great and interesting way to learn), you can have a look at eJOY GO, go to Video > English skills, then choose your English level (Beginner) to see all the useful videos with subtitles. And the greatest thing is that you can know the meaning of every new word just by clicking it in the subtitle.
Check out eJOY GO
It’s time for some exercises. Let’s ask a person about their name and how to spell it. And then, introduce your name and its spelling to him/her. Here is the example:
‘What is your name?
My name is …….
How do you spell your name?
It is ….. – ….. – ….. -‘