People keep saying that we should learn English because of thousands of reasons but have you ever tried to think the other way around? The planet is full of diversity and there are, of course, people who think differently. Let’s check out 5 exceptional reasons why you should not learn English.
You think that English is the most difficult language in the world!

English language is based on the Latin alphabet which is commonly used worldwide. Compare to other languages such as Mandarin with its’ complicated characters and different tones which make the same word has totally different meanings just by how you say it; or the Japanese with four separated alphabets, English alphabet is not tricky at all. When it comes to other Latin based languages such as French, Russian, Spanish which have a gender for every noun that you have to remember, in English every noun is just neutral. So if you’ve already mastered other languages and still find English is tough to learn then you don’t need to.
You don’t want to travel the world

As mentioned above, English is used worldwide as the mother tongue in about 60 countries and as the official second language in many countries all over the world. Being an English speaker makes traveling easier than ever since you will never feel isolated or have any difficulty when come to a new land . Therefore, English is not necessary for you if traveling the world and experience new cultures are not your passion in life. In that case you might want to check my 67 reasons why you should not try solo backpacking ever.
You don’t want a better job/career
English language empowers you with bilingual skill, which makes you become a preferable candidate to every company in the world. Nowadays there are many people speaking English in working environment. Because business is conducting international and all the global lead economics have English as their official language. You will have to use English to communicate with your business partners, to do research and many other related tasks. But, don’t let English bothers you if you don’t want to have such complicated, interesting and inspirational job as mentioned above, which requires English as a necessary tool.
You don’t want to explore the internet

As we all experience the age of internet, every information can be easily approached by just one click. More than half of internet pages are written in English, even viral site such as YouTube has its’ content mostly in this language. Moreover, just think about your latest favorite movie which came out on the big screen, was it in English? If you know English, you surely can enjoy the movie without reading the subtitle and might neglect interesting details of the content. However, if you are not interested in surfing on the internet or any type of entertainment above, English is not your concern for sure.
You don’t want to make foreigner friends

When traveling to another country we might meet interesting people who we really want to keep in touch. A common language makes it possible. Even without stepping out of your country’s boundary, it is also possible to make friends from distance through many channels. Because the interaction between people who have the same interests now is easier with the aid of the internet. So if you have no interest, or no desire to share and to exchange culture with others, English is totally useless for you.
Now you see through the 5 reasons why you should NOT learn English. It is your choice in the end. Make a wise decision then.
In case you are just an ordinary person. You want to explore the world, make new friends, have a better career and be able to over come any obstacle even in English learning. Then, go for it!
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