Bài Tập English Reading – Level 4 - A Holiday

Bài tập đọc English Reading chủ đề A Holiday dành cho các bạn học level 4. Bạn sẽ học cách nói về kì nghỉ của mình trong bài viết dưới đây. Bạn có thể dùng eJOY extension để giúp bạn tra và lưu các từ mới trong bài nhé.

Lưu ý:

  • Bài tập này được biên tập lại từ bài “A Holiday” trên website englishwithjo.com 
  • Bài tập nằm trong chuỗi bài học dành cho Intermediate trên eJOY. Nếu bạn muốn được học theo lộ trình phát triển khả năng nghe nói, kèm theo bài tập đọc viết nhẹ nhàng thì hãy email cho [email protected] nhé.

Passage: A Holiday

I’m planning my holiday for next summer and I don’t know whether I should have a lazy holiday or an exciting one. Last year I went on holiday to southern Spain with my best friends, Joanna and Ling. We stayed in a brilliant four‐star hotel, which had three swimming pools. It was quite expensive but we really enjoyed ourselves and we all got great suntans! This year, Joanna is going away with her parents to Greece so it’ll be just Ling and me. Ling wants us to go on an adventure holiday in Africa, the type where you have to go walking in the desert and sleep out in the open. She said it would be interesting and better than having a lazy holiday because we would learn about the world around us and see some wild animals. I’m not sure whether I want to go to Africa. For me, a holiday means relaxing on a beach, not trekking across the middle of nowhere. Ling said that we’d see elephants and zebras and have some amazing experiences. I think she’s bored of lying in the sun all day and fancies a change. I’ve got to make up my mind by next Monday at the latest so that she can book the tickets. It would cost £1,400 each to go to Africa, but less than half that
amount for two weeks in Portugal.

A holiday

Grammar: Dùng whether để diễn tả sự lựa chọn, thay thế

Ví dụ từ bài đọc A holiday

  • “I’m planning my holiday for next summer and I don’t know whether I should have a lazy holiday or an exciting one
  •  I’m not sure whether I want to go to Africa.

Trong những trường hợp này, whether được dùng để diễn tả sự thay thế, lựa chọn. Lúc này, whetherif có thể thay thế cho nhau. 

Tuy nhiên, whether khi kết hợp cùng “or not” còn mang nghĩa “dù có …hay không”

Ví dụ: 

Whether you want to or not, you’ll have to clean your room = You’ll have to clean your room whether you want to or not  (Dù con có muốn hay không thì con cũng phải dọn dẹp phòng của mình) 

Xem thêm video này để biết cách dùng if và whether:


A/ Trả lời các câu hỏi sau

1. When is Anna going on holiday?
2. Name her two closest friends.
3. True or false – last year she went to northern Spain?
4. How many swimming pools did their hotel have?
5. Was the hotel expensive?
6. True or false – only Anna got a good suntan?
7. Where is Joanna going on holiday this year?
8. Who is she going with?
9. What type of holiday does Ling want this year?
10. Where does she want to go?
11. Does Anna want to go with her?
12. Why does Ling want to go on this type of holiday?
13. What does Anna enjoy doing on holiday?
14. What animals does Ling hope to see?
15. What sort of experiences does she expect to have?
16. When does Anna have to let Ling know about the holiday?
17. How much would it cost each of them to go to Africa?
18. Would it be cheaper to go to Africa or Portugal?
19. Do you think Anna should go to Africa with Ling? Why?/Why not?
20. Do you think Anna will go to Africa with Ling? Why?/Why not?

B/ Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây sử dụng ‘whether‘, ‘whether or not’ hoặc ‘if’

  1. I can’t decide ______________________ to buy a bicycle. 
  2. Tom asked Julie ___________________ she’d like to go to the cinema.
  3. You’ve got to go to school __________________ you like it or not!
  4. Caroline might come.  It depends on _________________ she has a car or not.
  5. We’re not sure ___________________ we’re going to change offices. 
  6. _________________ I buy the cake or make it myself won’t make it less fattening!
  7. I wonder  ____________________ I should mention it to my boss.
  8. He really doesn’t care ____________________ it suits everyone.
  9. I’m not sure _________________ I’ll have time to go to the hairdressers.
  10. 10.The price doesn’t change ______________ you travel by car or by train.
Tiếng Anh Giao Tiếp


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