Why Company Culture is Vital to the Success of Your Business | eJOY English
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Why Company Culture is Vital to the Success of Your Business

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Art & Culture
What do employees value more than their paycheck? Culture. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital https://npdigital.com/ ►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips. ►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/ ►On Instagram: https://instagram.com/neilpatel/ 0:30 How important is the culture of a company and to your company? 1:00 Culture is the most important thing to a company, in my eyes. Yes, you need to solve a problem. If you don't solve a problem, you don't have a business, but culture is vital. If you're not working with people who believe in the same values, ethics, have the same beliefs, same vision, they're not going to stick around. 1:30 It's funny, most people believe that, hey, to recruit top talent you have to pay people well. Did you know money isn't the number one reason people go to a job? It's what they feel they'll be in charge of, what they'll learn, how they'll progress in life. Will they accomplish their goals or their mission? A lot of people think, hey, free food is what going to get people to my company. No, people don't care about free food that much. Culture is what keeps people around. 1:15 You have to have an amazing culture, from caring for people. We recently had someone, Meredith, who's on our staff. She had a baby and, within a week of having a baby, she came back to work. She didn't have to, and no one put this on her. She did it herself. And I was talking to her today, and I was in an office. Not only did Mike, my co-founder, get her a present, the whole office got her a present, and then, on top of that, I also got her a present for her and her baby. I didn't have time to do the shopping. 1:30 I'm like, Meredith, here's my credit card. Just get whatever you want. And she's like, oh all I need a stroller for a hundred something-- I'm like, no no, you can get whatever you want within reason, I'm like, I don't care. I'm like; it's a fantastic culture. She's there for the business and the team, and she's willing to do whatever. I'm like, why wouldn't I try to help her out in her personal life, as well? 2:00 I genuinely care for her as an individual, and I care for the rest of the team, as well, right? But that's building a culture and working with people, not just people who you love but people who've become a family. And that gets harder once you grow to 100, 200, 300,000, 10,000 people, but it's imperative early on, or else you're going to get some unlikeable people within your company, and it's going to derail the vision. It's going to hinder your growth. It's going to wreck what you're trying to accomplish. You don't want people who are going against the grain. 2:30 Now, that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with people who voice their opinions. We love people expressing their views and even telling us there are better ways to do things and we're wrong. We love that. But what I mean is, you don't want people derailing the company is, we dislike people who are set in their ways, in which they say, nope, my way is the highway. You have to do it this way. That's wrong; I don't care if you're the manager. If someone underneath you knows how to do something better, you better listen up and be open to suggestions, right? 2:45 We like building open cultures, where we believe whether you're starting off and you're an intern or your executive, and you're getting paid well into the six figures, that everyone should be open to suggestions. But, again, we place culture above most things within our organization. 3:00 So, if you liked this video, like, comment, share. I do appreciate it. And, if I can ever do anything to help you out, genuinely, even if it's giving you some advice, I don't care for the money, leave a comment below, and I will do my best to try to help you out and answer all your questions. Thank you for watching.
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