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-What is your greatest fear?
-My greatest fear
is that I'm destined to be a struggling person.
-Not being smart enough
to pull off what I think I want to do in life.
-Not succeeding in the goals
that I had in mind for myself in the future.
-Being forgotten.
-Not making an impact.
-Not leaving a legacy worth remembering.
-Not doing enough, like, looking back
and wishing that I had done a bunch of things --
that and dying, like, a slow, tortured death.
-Losing everything I have --
like, my family, my friends, and stuff like that.
-My greatest fear is losing what I love --
my family, my activities, my friends.
-I think I've lived my greatest fear,
and that was losing the love of my life.
-The ability to understand consciousness,
Alzheimer's, that kind of thing.
-The possibility of dementia.
-I'm scared of when I die.
-I don't really have a fear of anything in particular.
-Indiana Jones.
-Snakes, tarantulas, and scorpions.
-I can't do snakes or spiders.
-Any vicious animal that could attack me.
-I'm still afraid of the dark.
-Venice Beach.
Well, I mean, that's a scary place to go.
-I really don't have any fears. I'm totally unafraid.
I could even stand here naked, if necessary.
-Being out in the middle of the ocean in, like, open water.
-Drowning, but like a specific drowning,
like where I've been thrown into the ocean,
and there's like a cinder block tied to my feet,
and I can't reach the top.
I watch a lot of, like, crime movies and stuff.
-Probably fire more than anything.
-Burning alive.
-God forbid getting a stroke.
-Making the wrong decision.
-Not living up to who I know I can be, really.
-The scariest thing is actually really pushing yourself
to try for something you want.
-Somehow talking myself out of chasing my dreams.
-Running out of time
and not realizing that you're running out of time.
-I guess it's leaving this world, you know?
-Elevators, 'cause when you hear something,
like, kind of crack, I get nervous.
[music] SoulPancake! [music]
[music] Subscribe! [music]
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0-100 | What's Your Greatest Fear?
-What is your greatest fear?-My greatest fearis that I'm destined to be a struggling person.
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