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Brainy Dose Presents:
Introvert vs Extrovert vs Ambivert – Which
One are You?
There's been a lot of buzz about introverts
vs extroverts, and for the longest time, you
were considered to be one or the other.
But, there’s another personality type, called
ambivert - and it falls in the middle of the
introverted-extroverted scale.
In this video, we explore all three personality
types, and their traits.
Knowing the differences can help you understand
yourself and others better.
Perhaps even make you more successful in your
day-to-day life.
If you are an introvert, you tend to recharge
by spending time alone.
Being alone with your thoughts is as restorative
as sleeping, and just as nourishing as eating.
You also tend to think things through, especially
before speaking or making a decision.
Unexpected changes and last-minute surprises
usually make you upset.
You prefer to have a small, close group of
friends and you appreciate spending one-on-one
time with them.
But, you are not necessarily shy though!
You may not even avoid social situations!
However, you lose energy from being around
people for long periods of time.
You definitely need some time alone after
spending time in a crowd.
If you are an extrovert, you actually gain
energy from others!
Your energy is outward, towards people and
You need a lot of stimulation, and have no
problem expressing your emotions.
You find that your energy is depleted when
you spend too much time alone, and you recharge
by being social.
You like variety and action, and strive for
Many of you also want to change the world
– at least in one way or another; and are
more willing to put yourselves out there and
actually do something about it.
As an extrovert, you are easily accessible
and understandable, and you possess a relaxed
and confident attitude.
However, you tend to act first and think later!
If you have both extroverted and introverted
traits, then you are an ambivert.
This means that you generally enjoy being
around people, but after a long time they
will start to drain you.
Similarly, you enjoy quiet and solitude, but
not for too long.
You recharge your energy levels with a mixture
of social interaction and some alone time.
You may also come across to others as being boring
– simply by falling in the middle of the
But, this balance can actually be a good thing!
You are flexible and you can adjust pretty
well in most situations.
Introverts and extroverts are the extremes
of personality types.
Ambiverts fall somewhere in the middle, and
are quite balanced between the two tendencies.
So, does this mean that one personality type
is better than the other?
The answer is no.
The truth is, the world needs all of these
personality types, and we come in contact
with a variety of personalities throughout
our daily lives - from extreme introverts
to extreme extroverts, and everyone in between.
Which of these personality types do you belong
And how do those traits impact you in your
personal or professional life?
Let us know in the comments below!
As always, thanks for watching!
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Introvert vs Extrovert vs Ambivert - Which One Are You?
In this video, we explore the differences between introvert vs extrovert vs ambivert. Introverts and extroverts are extreme opposites of personality types. However, there’s another personality type - ambivert.
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