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Master the Art of Conversation (Part 1 of 4)
You will master the art of conversation with these tips (Part 1 of 4). This video shows you three great skills to become and an amazing conversationalist. Free Download pdf Quick Guide to Professional Communication Skills:
The Goal of the Game: Get the other person talking. Pick somebody and play this game. They don't have to know you're doing it. Just practice naturally.
Rules: If you are talking, you are losing.
1. Ask good, simple questions. Ask easy questions about the person, their life, their interests. People enjoy talking about their interests.
2. Ask follow up questions. Everything they say become fuel for your follow up questions. Don't think about what you will SAY next, listen for what you can ask next.
3. Be concise and then turn the conversation back to them. When it is your turn to talk, give a one or two sentence response and then go right back to asking them a follow-up question. Turning it back to them smoothly is a bit of an art in itself.
Challenge: Play the game at least once per day this week. The next person you speak with socially, just jump right in and start with #1. They don't have to know that you're playing since this game is a game you really play against yourself. You're trying to win by getting them to talk more than you talk.
If you practice the conversation game daily, you will be a master conversationalist in no time.
Videos in this Collection on the Art of Conversation:
Part 1: 3 Key Conversation Skills:
Part 2: Asking Good Questions:
Part 3: How to Make Conversation with Anyone:
Part 4: How to disagree respectfully:
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