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I am an introvert.
Talking to other people just drains my life force.
It's not even that I don't like movies,
it's just that I'm more of a TV person.
I like that the arcs are both longer and shorter,
and you get to spend more time with the characters..
it's just a better experience.
Cool..story bro..
But not all introverts are necessarily the same.
You know, there's different kinds.
There's the comfort zoner,
who has an aversion to social situations.
I don't want to.
Just come to the party.
What if I want to stay home..
Don't you want to hang out with your friends?
But I am with my best friends right now,
Lily, Jimmy, Abby, Congress, and Ghost.
Well tonight,
you're hanging out with me.
(dramatic music)
Don't you smell that?
Smell what?
Where..where are you going?
That's my room..
There's the creator, the kind of person
who has to stay up all night making things
and needs time alone to recharge.
(Beethoven's 5th Symphony)
If you have to create to music,
can you PLEASE put on some Mozart?
Beethoven's 5th symphony is so overrated.
Nice painting.
Thanks. (giggles)
Shucks, just stop it..
The thinker.
You know, the one who likes to
read, research, hunker down..
Tessa? Tessa? Tessa?
(in unison) Tessa?
Hey, have you seen my phone?
What is a "phone"?
For a device by any other name
would still be a calculator,
an instant messenger, a global messaging system--
Nevermind, nevermind. I--I don't need a phone.
I'll--I'll be fine. I'll be fine.
And of course, the anxious introvert.
Right? This is the kind of person
who only likes to throw kickbacks
and small gatherings, cause too many
unknowns bring about a lot of stress.
I thought this was supposed to be a party.
Is it too much for you? I can--I can
turn down the music know..
So what kind of introvert are you?
Or are you from the other side..
an extrovert..?
Hi, I'm Tessa.
(violent hissing)
I'm Anna Akana.
Stay awesome Gotham.
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Sao chép phụ đề
Types of Introverts (w/Tessa Violet)
Let's see what makes an introvert and how many types of introverts there are.
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