10 Useful English Phrases from the TV Show “Friends”

Watching TV Shows is one of the most effective ways to improve our English. TV shows are not only entertaining but also give us a better understanding of culture, society and people around the world. And maybe, the best part about watching TV shows in English is that you’re learning real life English–the English that we speak daily. As a result, you will have the chance to acquire a wide range of vocabulary and expressions that can be put to use in daily conversations. In this post, I’m going to show you some useful English phrases  from “Friends” – one of the most popular TV series. Now, let’s get started!

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1. Freak out


If someone freaks out, or if something freaks them out, they suddenly feel extremely surprised, upset, angry, or confused.


  • I remember the first time I went onstage. I freaked out completely.
  • I think our music freaks people out sometimes.
  • It sort of frightens me. I guess I am kind of freaked out by it.

English phrases from Friends

2. Have a crush on somebody


When you have a crush on someone it means you have developed a strong desire for the person. Eventually it may grow into true love or your feelings might wear away


  • Mike has an amazing sense of humor and he’s really fun to work with. I mean, who doesn’t have a crush on him?

3. Ask somebody out


To invite someone to come with you to a place such as the cinema or a restaurant, especially as a way of starting a romantic relationship


  • She’s asked Steve out to the cinema this evening.

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4. Cool as ice


To be calm and relaxed while doing something stressful


  • He was cool as ice when he walked into the court room

5. Come out of your shell


Become more interested in other people and more willing to talk and take part in social activities,


  • Derek has really come out of his shell since he started working here.
  • Come out of your shell, Tom. Go out and make some friends.

6. Cheesy


Cheesy is used to mean something that is very obviously joking or over-the-top. It can be funny, annoying or even uncomfortable and embarrassing to hear someone say something super cheesy. It can be even worse if someone does something cheesy.


  • I don’t really like Joe. There’s something a little bit cheesy about his personality. He never really acts like himself. He’s a little bit too nice if you ask me

7. Make a move


To make an advance on a person with the intention of becoming more than just friends.


  • We both know we like each other, now one of us just needs to make a move.

8. Pour salt in someone’s wounds


To unnecessarily cause someone more sadness or trouble when he or she is already in a difficult situation, usually for one’s personal amusement.


  • Losing was bad enough. Watching them receiving the trophy just poured salt into his wound.
  • After losing the championship match, it really poured salt in John’s wound for his girlfriend break up with him the next day

9. Fall for someone


To be attracted to someone and start to love that person:


  • He was fantastically handsome–I just fell for him right away.
  • That was the summer I worked at the fairground, and met and fell for Lucy.

English phrases from Friends

10. Strike up a conversation


To start a conversation (with someone)


  • I struck up an interesting conversation with someone on the bus yesterday.
  • It’seasy to strike up a conversation with someone when you’re traveling.

You’ve just looked at 10 English phrases from “Friends”. Of course, there are many more useful phrases that you can learn from this amazing series.

>>> If you are interested in learning more English slangs and idioms, read our related posts here.

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