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- I am a Reform Jew and I have never
celebrated Christmas. Ever.
- Christmas was not
something I ever learned
how to celebrate as a young child.
- Jesus was born December the 25th.
And then time started. (laughs)
(Christmas music)
- All the little kids in the family
wake up really, really early.
- Everyone's wearing matching pajamas,
all of the children, and
these are adult children,
line up in order of size.
And then the parents watch as the children
run down the stairs and then
everyone goes "Christmas!"
- I mean, it's just kind of scary, like
all of a sudden there's all these like
bells and chestnuts.
- There's just bells everywhere.
(bells jingling)
And then they open all the presents.
It's way too many presents.
- at some point during the year
you have to give your kid
a 200-dollar electronic.
Christmas has been set
up to be that thing.
- And they have the stocking.
- But if you get coal in your stocking
then you're not a bad person
but your parents are sociopaths.
- And then the tree dies.
And, uh, Christ was born.
(Christmas bells)
- Uh, I don't know why you do that-
I guess to distract
yourself cause you're like,
if you go home you're just gonna be like
"there's presents,
arghh, like I guess we'll
"go to church to distract ourselves."
- Six-year-old girl
playing the Virgin Mary.
- And they like dress up
as donkeys and angels.
- The children love to dress
up like peppermint sticks,
and like little Christmas trees.
- I think that people listen to "hymes".
- People like wear jeans
to church, I've heard.
- And maybe also just like
a lot of Mariah Carey Christmas covers
- Christmas dinner's ham, right?
- A ham.
- [Overlapping Voiceovers] Like ham. Ham.
- Ham, again. I think there's
a lot of ham happening
- They eat the opposite
of like what Jews'll eat.
So they eat like a ham,
you've got pineapples slices.
- Maybe get a brisket.
- Then there's like a toothpick
in each pineapple slice
with a cherry on top.
- [Voiceover] Yam.
- [Voiceover] Then there's
gingerbread cookies.
- You wear like, Christmas hats, right?
You wear like a Santa
hat? At Christmas dinner?
- Can you eat mistletoe?
- In a feat of acrobatics, a fat man
with a beard and a giant like satchel of
presents comes down a tiny little hole.
- Somehow, in the course of one night,
delivers presents to the whoooole world.
- He doesn't come to my house.
Which is weird, like how does he know?
Like does he see the Mezuzah on the door
and he's like "ahhh."
- Santa travels in a
little, like, the wagon,
with the um...
- Here are the seven reindeer:
- On Jupiter. On...
- Snowball.
- Neptune. They're not,
they're not the Sailor Scouts,
I don't know their names.
- One of them's a (beep).
Right? Real mean to Rudolph?
- [Voiceover] Ew.
- Is there a "Prancer?"
- You're like asking me to name the
back-up dancers on BeyoncĂŠ's tour.
Can't do it.
(Christmas music)
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Christmas Explained By Jews
- I am a Reform Jew and I have nevercelebrated Christmas. Ever.- Christmas was not
something I ever learned
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