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(lively music)
- We're in Inglewood, California.
We're gonna eat a bunch
of vegan soul food.
- Let me tell you somethin'
about soul food, okay.
- So Daisha here, is in
another video right now.
She's doing a 30 day vegan food challenge.
- What do I know about soul food?
I think mac and cheese.
I think fried chicken.
I think cornbread.
(lively music)
- Inglewood, like many low income areas
of Los Angeles, really struggles
to feed people quality, healthy foods.
- Oh, welcome to Stuff I Eat.
- Babette opened this restaurant in 2008
to try and combat that issue.
She's inspiring the community
to understand food they love
in a broader context.
- I think we should put it on you
to come up with a rubric.
- This is all based around a party
in your mouth, all right?
So the first thing is a Shindig.
If things are, "Oh wow, this is great."
"I'd probably eat this on my own time,
"but I'm not, like, in love,"
that is a Kickback.
Then the next level up
is a House Party.
- House party.
- All right, house party.
And then if we are just completely,
completely blown away,
all it is is just a Rave.
- So is this your very first soul food,
vegan soul food platter?
So first of all, let me describe
exactly what you have on this plate.
- [Daisha] This is vegan?
- This is all vegan, 100% vegan.
Kale greens, black-eyed peas.
We've got mac and cheese.
- [Voiceover] Vegan.
- Vegan.
Barbecue tofu.
Get a little coleslaw
and potato salad.
You've got some gluten-free cornbread
and your yams.
- Ready, go!
- [Voiceover] Collin,
you're an animal Collin.
- [Collin] I am an animal.
(lively music)
- Yes.
Oh my God.
This mac and cheese is so good.
- Yeah, I wouldn't say it tastes like,
you know, like traditional mac and cheese.
- She's not trying to imitate
regular soul food mac and cheese.
She's, like, made it her own
and it's amazing.
- Everyday, I'd eat this everyday.
- The mac and cheese is
a House Party for me.
- I think this is a House Party for tofu.
- I've never had tofu before.
- What?
- Like, I've never had tofu.
In my mind, it's always been like,
- [Voiceover] Weird.
- scary and weird, yeah.
- Did y'all have this coleslaw?
This is a Rave.
- The coleslaw's amazing
- The coleslaw's a Rave.
- [Voiceover] Daisha, Daisha
(unintelligible) eat right.
- My plate, almost done.
- [Voiceover] Freddy,
pick up the pace, Freddy.
- I'm comin', I'm comin', I'm comin'.
- What's your definition of, like,
a balanced meal?
- That.
- This?
- What did you expect
me to say? (laughing)
So when we first moved over here,
I introduced the Soul Food Platter.
It was only going to be a special.
A couple of the local residents came in.
They had the Soul Food Platter
and they liked it
and then I didn't have
it, like, the next day.
And they were like, "Well,
what happened to that?"
And I'm like, "Well,
it was just a special."
They walked out.
That happened several times,
several weeks in a row
and we just made the Soul Food Platter
a part of the menu
and I think that's how
we became the vegan soul food restaurant.
- Why did you want to open in Inglewood?
- I live down the street.
First of all, every time I wanted a decent
vegan meal, I had to drive across town.
There are a lot of health conscious people
living in this community.
The rent was amazing.
I'm not paying $20,000 a month for rent.
Miss me Beverly Hills.
And they needed me here.
They needed this situated right here
where it is and why not?
Why not a good vegan restuaruant
in my community?
- So since you've been here,
have you noticed that more people
from the neighborhood
have started to come?
- Oh definitely.
- Like people who aren't vegan
who just come for the food?
- Most of my customers are not vegan.
I'm so grateful that I was introduced
to this lifestyle and made the transition.
I really am.
I started at age 40.
I'll be 65 in December.
I can still jump down and do my push ups.
I'm still running hills.
I'm not on medication.
- [Voiceover] Your life
is (unintelligible)
- My life is (laughing)
my life is wonderful right now.
- You know I've never for one second
thought about becoming vegan,
but I'm actually legitimately
considering it now.
Like, with how good the food is
and how good you look.
- If I could just say one thing,
if there are any kids out there
eating those spicy Cheetos,
maybe you shouldn't eat those things
and that's all I have to say
about spicy Cheetos.
I know we're not talking
about spicy Cheetos.
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Vegan Soul Food Adventure
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