
Information in each word

eJOY allows you to track your vocabulary learning progress to keep you motivated.

As you may already know, all the words that you save are managed under Practice → Wordbank → Wordbook (list of words). When you click on the details of a vocabulary word in this list, you will see an interface as follows:

  • Edit (1) - Opens the window to edit the vocabulary word's information
  • Actions (2) you can perform with the word: Star it, Ignore the word, Archive the word, Delete the word
  • Illustrative image of the word (3)
  • Audio and IPA of the word (4)
  • Word proficiency level (5) - EJOY categorizes proficiency according to various skills. You can learn more at this link.
  • The number of times you have practiced the word (6)
  • Displays the name of the wordbook containing this vocabulary word (7)
  • Definition (8)
  • Examples (9)
  • Button to go to the previous or next vocabulary word (10)

Learning data